Chimney Crown Repair

Old Chimney Needs Repair
 Chimney Crown Replacement: This old chimney in Bethesda, Maryland was in pretty bad shape when we arrived.  The home-made DIY chimney caps weren't much to look at either, so we installed some newer up-to-date units (below).
New mortar crown installed on chimney
 New High Density Mortar Chimney Crown: After carefully chipping away the old mortar crown, we mixed and skillfully applied the new crown mortar . . .
New flu liner caps installed
 . . . gently sloping the new material away from the flu liners so that water can run off properly . . .
Chimney Crown Repaired
 . . . and the result is a beautifully restored chimney with new caps, mortar, and flashings.  Very nice!  Restoring the chimney crown is one of the most important AND most overlooked detail of a truly professional roof job.